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Our services
  Survey Consultancy
Tech Support
Make enquiry ?
  Plot No. 25, Second Street
Ettiyappan nagar,
Lakshmipuram, Kolathur,
Chennai – 99. Ph: 044 – 25658111



Selling of survey instruments & Accessories includes from Leading brands Like SokKia, Leica, Nikon, Topcon, Also FOIF, Kolida, Horizon, South, Sanding,

  • Automatic level
  • Electronic Theodolite
  • Electronic total station
  • Hand Held GPS

Accessories: (All brands)

  • Telescopic stand (Aluminium & Wood), Indian imported
  • Staff(Alu/Telescope)
  • Ranging Rods
  • Prism, Mini prism,
  • Laser leveler,laser light,

Service: We provide service support for Calibration, instruments, implementation problem fixing, lubrication, cleaning, electronic voltage adjust, software installation, application setup either through AMC or on call basis.

Why you need to buy from us?

  • Lesser than the dealer cost
  • Support with installation executives
  • 24 X 7 customer care