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  Survey Consultancy
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  Plot No. 25, Second Street, Ettiyappan nagar,
Lakshmipuram, Kolathur,
Chennai – 99. Ph: 044 – 25658111



The course is intended to introduce to the participants; the advanced techniques used in surveying and will concentrate more on the uses and working of Total station and GPS. More importantly, there will be extensive practical sessions which will train the participant in using this instrument in the field and in further data processing. The course includes

● Basics of Surveying

● Overview of advanced techniques in surveying

● Surveying using Total Station & Advances in Total Station Surveying

● Data collection By GPS (Real Time & Kinematical) & Post processing

The Survey Design Workshop will teach you how to knowledgeably design, create, and conduct a survey project or improve your current survey program. The work shop includes training on Digital/Auto/Laser Levels, Digital/optical Theodolite and Digital planimeter and accessories.